What human food is good for your dog? Satisfy your dog's cravings every time they give you that sweet stare begging to taste your food!
When you want to give your dog a treat from your table, do you know which human foods are safe for your dog? Learn what human food is safe for your dogs and keep your dogs healthy. Read on and know the risks involved when feeding your dog human foods.
What Human Food is Good For Your Dog | Infographic
Giving your dog human food is a debatable topic. Each dog has its own unique needs and individual dietary restrictions. It's important that you know that any food that is not part of your dog's normal diet could have harmful effects on your dog's health.
This could include diarrhea, upset stomach or even lead to pancreatitis. You need to monitor the fat and sodium content in your dog's food, likewise your dog's own sensitivity to certain foods.
Kudos to the guys of dogfoodselector.com who have come up with this very helpful and impressive infographic that shows the risk of human food to dogs.
The risk is classified as:
0: Minimal risk if given in controlled amounts
1: Low risk
2: Moderate risk
3: High Risk
Can Dogs Eat Human Food?
The following list includes numerous human foods marked with the potential risk to induce gastrointestinal or toxicity problems in dogs.
0 – Minimal Risk
Alfalfa, Apple, Banana, Basil, Barley, Beans, Beef, Beets, Bell Peppers, Blackberries, Broccoli, Brown Rice, Cantaloupe, Carrots, Celery, Cilantro, Chamomile Tea, Chai Seeds, Chicken, Chick Peas, Cranberries, Coconut Oil, Cottage Cheese, Cucumbers, Duck, Edamame, Cooked Fish, Gelatin, Green Beans, Kelp, Kiwifruit, Lamb, Lentils, Lettuce, Liver, Melon, Oregano, Papaya, Pear, Peppers, Pineapple, Plain Croutons, Pork, Pumpkin, Rasberries, Salmon, Sardines, Seaweed, Squash, Strawberries, Sweet Potatoes, Turkey, Turmeric, Watermelon and Zucchini.
1 – Low Risk
Apple juice, Asparagus, Bagels, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Canola Oil, Cauliflower, Cherries, Clams, Crab, Crackers, Eggs, Flax Seed, Honey, Honeydew, Mango, Oatmeal, Octopus, Olives, Pancakes, Parsley, Pasta, Peanut Butter, Peas, Peppermint, Pistachio Nuts, Popcorn, Potatoes, Rice, Seafood, Shrimp, Squid, Sunflower Seeds, Sushi, Tuna, and Yogurt.
2 – Moderate Risk
Almonds, Aloe Vera, Apricot, Avocado, Baby Food, Bacon, Bread, Butter, Cashews, Cheerios, Cheese, Cornmeal, Eggplant, Green Tea, Ginger, Ham, Ice Cream, Lactose Free Milk, Milk, Mushrooms, Orange, Orange Juice, Peaches, Persimmons, Quinoa, Spinach, Tangerines, Tofu, Tomatoes and Tortillas.
3 – High Risk
Acorns, Alcohol, Beer, Bones, Brownies, Caramel, Cat Food, Chips, Chocolate, Coffee, Corn Cobs, Doritos, Fat Trimmings, French Fries, Garlic, Granola, Grapefruit, Grapes, Ginger Ale, Human Vitamins, Jalapeños, Ketchup, Leftovers, Lemons, Macadamia Nuts, Marshmallows, Milkshake, Mints, Nachos, Nuts, Nutmeg, Onions, Oreos, Pecans, Pepperoni, Pickles, Pizza, Pomegranate, Pretzels, Raisins, Rhubarb Leaves, Salami, Salt, Sausage, Skittles, Soda, Sugar, Tacos, White Chocolate, Xylitol and Yeast Dough.
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