As 2015 draws to a close, it's time for us all to reflect upon the year. Here at Homesteading we've rounded up our top posts just for you. This is the best of the best when it comes to homesteading advice, tips, and tricks. ...All the homesteading favorites in one blog based on what YOU have liked & shared the most throughout the year. Thanks for all your awesome …Continue Reading
Prevention & Tips
Effective Ways to Alkalize Your Body Naturally
Reading Time: 5 minutesWant to know how to alkalize your body? If you want to reap the benefits of regulating your body's pH, then you should know this! …Continue Reading
Avoid These 17 Ingredients For Naturally Beautiful Skin At Any Age
Reading Time: 7 minutesEver wonder if your skincare is actually working, or how effective it is? Ever wonder if you can really trust the label? Here's what to look for, and what to avoid to keep your skin looking fresh and natural at any age. …Continue Reading
Will Standing Desks Improve Education?
Reading Time: 2 minutesWe all know that sitting too much is bad for our heath and waistlines. Standing desks have become a popular way to combat America's sitting epidemic. And now they've become part of a movement to get school kids more active... …Continue Reading
How To Get Rid Of Bags Under Your Eyes Naturally
Reading Time: 2 minutesLet's face it. Even those of us who pride ourselves on not putting tons of weight on our appearance hate getting bags under our eyes. They make us look tired and worn out. And they often come with feeling tired and worn out. But you don't have to settle for that! …Continue Reading