If you’re someone who raises cows and knows the joy of fresh milk, then you also know the dangers that can come with not handling raw milk properly. Raw milk is milk that does not go through a pasteurization process. The dictionary defines pasteurization as “partial sterilization of a substance and especially a liquid (such as milk) at a temperature and for a period of exposure …Continue Reading
Raising Cattle
Dexter Cattle: Mini Cows Are Perfect For Preppers and Small Homesteads
Reading Time: 5 minutesThere is no better way to ensure the survival of the family in case of a SHTF scenario and to create a sustainable homestead than to grow and raise your own groceries. There are a plethora of traditional farm animals which can help keep the family well-fed year around or during a long-term disaster, but when both space and budget are limited, one stands out above many of the …Continue Reading
Understanding Animal Behaviors On and Off The Farm
Reading Time: 6 minutesEver wish you could understand animal behaviors? What are your animals thinking? What's really going on in those curious little brains? Here's some things to keep in mind - on and off the farm. As told by one of our expert homesteaders. …Continue Reading
Livestock Guardian Dogs | LGD Keeping & Handling Tips
Reading Time: 4 minutesDo you need livestock guardians for your homestead? If you're looking for some tips on picking the best guardian for your home, try this! …Continue Reading
Benefits of Grass Fed Beef – Why Your Livestock Need a Grass-Fed Diet
Reading Time: 3 minutesWhat are the benefits of grass fed beef? What does grass fed mean? Why is grass-fed better? This article explains why your livestock needs a grass-fed diet for the utmost health. …Continue Reading