Beehive plans are essential to start beekeeping on your homestead. Do your part to save the bees by finding out how to give them a home!
16 Of The Best Beehive Plans To Make For Beekeeping
Build your own beehive from these beehive plan ideas, and create a safe place for bees to live, and to harvest honey. Saving the bees means saving all the crops that come with them! In fact, without bees, we would be short the following foods: apples, almonds, blueberries, watermelon, cherries, peaches, rapeseed, avocados, cucumbers, cranberries, onions, blackberries, grapefruit, oranges, raspberries, cantaloupe, pumpkins, pears and plums… to name just a few.
1. Mason Jar Beekeeping
Make your own beehive farm with mason jars! It's frugal, creative, and ideal for small spaces. This mason jar beekeeping article will show you that space is not an issue with it comes to beekeeping.
2. 55 Gallon Beehive
Make your beehive out of a giant barrel. You are definitely helping our planet with one recycled plastic barrel filled with bees!
3. Bubble Hive
This awesome bubble hive idea is made from a clear bowl, hung in a shady tree. It's the perfect sight for a lazy afternoon: bees working on the hive you especially handcrafted for them. I bet this one will make you one proud bee keeper!
4. Bee Hotel
Provide a nice nest for your bees with this fun bee hotel made from woodblocks and a drill. And because bees are solitary insects, their existence wouldn't be overpowering. This beautiful bee hotels is perfect for your backyard because it won't attract more than what you can handle.
5. Log Cabin Beehive
This log-cabin beehive is fun for the yard, fun to make with your whole family and fun for the bees! It's a must have for your next DIY weekend.
6. Flow Hive
Honey on tap? Amazing! This flow hive system is a great way to get your honey, and the process hardly disturbs the bees – a win on both sides!
7. Bee Barn
Show your love for your bees by building them a lovely little home to match your own house! What can go wrong with this wonderful DIY bee barn? I can't wait to have one for my homestead!
Indoor Herb #Garden Ideas via @HomesteadingUSA
— RubbeRecycle (@rubberecycleus) February 20, 2017
8. Mason Beehive
This is a beautiful teardrop beehive to hang in your orchard. For only $19.95, you can have this awesome mason beehive from the garden store!
9. Slovenian Hive
This beauties are exclusively made by Slovenian Beekeeping. I'm really intrigued with this Slovenian hive and how the amazing creator came with this concept of a moving hive. It's such an inspiration for everyone who wants to make the world a better place.
10. DIY A Tree Stump Beehive
Drill holes into a log, and place it somewhere sunny! I'm sure both your bees and your wallet will love this DIY tree stump beehive.
11. Langstroth Beehive
This is a basic vertical Langstroth beehive that will house your bees in comfort and style. Learn how to make the Langstroth Beehive here!
12. Warre Beehive
A Warre beehive is a top bar or vertical hive that's easy-to-make and use. It's a perfect beehive for the backyard and urban beekeepers.
13. Hexa Beehive
This hex hive is available for purchase (here). This eco-friendly hive also looks beautiful in the garden. Your bees will love it.
14. Box Beehive
There's always beauty in simplicity! If you believe in that, making a simple box for a beehive is the choice for you.
15. Paper Tubes Beehive
Looking for a long lasting hive that is also inexpensive? This smart-looking hive was created from just paper tubes and wood! It's simple and stunning!
16. Beehive City
Bees have a complex social structure, so why not build them a town? After creating a traditional beehive, add miniature home finishings to create a buzzing bee city! We suggest following this tutorial then adding your own city style when complete!
Want to see what happens when you stick your hand in a beehive? Watch it here from Town and Country Pest Solutions INC:
I hope that supplies you with enough ideas to pick your favorite beehive plans and get started! Providing these endangered, yet highly valuable species with safe homes is crucial to life as we know it. Save the bees!
Which beehive plans will you use? Let us know below in the comments!
Want to know what's happening to the bees? Check it out here, you'll find more reason why need to start saving bees!
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This post was originally published in April 2016 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
The designs for bee-hives/houses are brilliant. I am doing a research project for science fair on countering the decline in bee population. Would you say that there are any design(s) that attract bees more or are more efficient in helping them thrive better?
How we buy the bee 🐝 and queen bee for honey at home