What are the benefits of lemons anyway? Why do doctors highly recommend them for your diet? If you want to know how to use lemons as home remedies, you've come to the right place. Find out when you need to grab a lemon to help you with how you feel. If you want to know what kind of home remedies this humble backyard fruit can offer, read on!
Home Remedies Using Lemons You Need to Know!
1. Sinus and Chest Congestion
Feel like you're having a sore throat or mucus build up? Just take 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar, 2 tsp. of honey and 1-2 tbsp. of lemon juice and mix it with some hot water. It will soothe your throat and the Vitamin C from the lemon will help boost your immune system. Check it out here.
2. Menstrual Cramps
Mixing lemon juice (one lemon) and 1 tbsp. of honey to a warm glass of water can help relieve your menstrual cramps. This mix will have an alkalizing effect on your body that will keep you hydrated. Drink it every morning after you wake up.
3. Headache
[instagram url=https://www.instagram.com/p/BuaP9GyA6US/ hidecaption=true width=625]
Did you know that lemons can also help you with headaches? You can either add a few slices in your drink or tea or rub a slice against your temple and forehead.
4. Acne

Losing your battle with acne? If you want to keep it natural, try using lemon to reduce and treat acne for good. See how here.
5. Reduce Fever

Mix cream of tartar, lemon juice, warm water, and honey to reduce a fever. You see, lemon has anti-inflammatory properties, meaning it helps reduce fever, swelling, and pain. Isn't it fantastic for a fever remedy to be sour (and sweet with honey) instead of bitter?
6. Itch from Insect Bites
Did you know that lemons have anti-itch properties? Just soak a cotton ball in some lemon juice and apply to the itchy area.
7. Blackheads

Have 5 minutes? This will be the quickest solution you can find for your blackhead problems. See how here.
8. Whiten Yellow Nails
Is your nail polish causing your nails to turn yellow? Try this all natural solution.
9. Cold Sores

These fever blisters usually clear up within 7-10 days but if you want to speed up the process, you can try this lemon treatment!
10. Kidney Stones

While our kidney does a good job of flushing out toxins from our body, it also needs support. Lemon is rich in citric acids which prevents stone formation. With the new research, people who have kidney stones can opt-out of medication. They can now get better with the lemonade therapy!
11. Skin Remedy
If you're looking for a natural way to get brighter and clearer skin, lemon is the answer. The uses of lemon for skin include lightening of dark spots and reducing wrinkles–a traditional method used for generations! For dark underarms, freckles, and dark knees and elbows, simply rub lemon to these areas.
12. Weight Loss
Many people struggle with obesity and the health complications it brings. The use of lemon in weight loss became popular with detox drinks. Learn how to drink lemon water to lose weight. You can curve your appetite and improve your digestion by drinking warm lemon water. If you want a hint of sweetness with some added benefits, go with a lemon and honey mix.
13. Lemon Cold and Flu Treatment
Mix 2 tablespoon of honey, lemon juice, and tea, then steep in boiling water. This drink will not only help remedy cold and flu, it will also help you get some sleep. Cold is a viral disease and rest is needed for the sufferer to help boost the immune system. And, lemon is also known to have antiviral properties.
Here is a video by Jess Bunty showing how to use lemon for getting rid of acne scars!
Lemons are old school home remedy, making a come back and just about time. We've become too dependent on OTC drugs for every little issue when there are natural and effective home remedies. So if you're feeling a little under the weather or experiencing any of these ailments, hold off on over-the-counter medicine and grab a lemon instead! But always consult your doctor for anything out of the ordinary and when using home remedies.
What do you think of these home remedies using lemons? Let us know in the comments section what your thoughts are and if you think you're going to give it a try.
Up Next: Cleaning With Lemon, Vinegar and Baking Soda | Natural Household Cleaners
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Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on February 14, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
Wow..i never knw lemons have so many benefits, beside beeing full ove vitamins
thanks. June
Good information. I just want to add little extra stuff about usage of lemon peels – which are often ignored by many. Dried lemon peels can be powdered and used as seasoning on many recipes and food items. It contains equal amount of nutrients like calcium and vitamin C. The powdered lemon peel can be mixed with tea also to enhance the flavor and nutritional value. Hope your readers will find this information useful.
Might be almost not possible to encounter well-educated individual on this issue, then again you appear like you know those things you’re raving about! Thanks A Lot.