Looking for delicious vegetables to grow indoors? Growing your own food is an extraordinary idea that can help you in different levels. It helps you to avoid GMOs and pesticides and saves you money. What's more, is you build up a skill that is vital when SHTF. In general, growing your own vegetables is good for you and the environment. And there's no denying the joy and safety you get when consuming what you grew. Read on and find out the top 10 most productive vegetables to grow indoors.
Top 10 Delicious Vegetables To Grow Indoors
There's more than one practice to grow a bountiful vegetable product. It's possible for you to have a healthy garden regardless of not having the luxury of space in your lawn, a spacious yard or gallery for holders, and even in the dead of winter.
The practice might be unique in relation to planting seeds in the ground, however, it isn't hard to make vegetables grow in the comfort of your warm home. Furthermore, not at all like growing vegetables outside. yYu'll have to add up to control over temperature, water, and light – all without the pesky pests and annoying weeds. For some, growing vegetables indoors may become a perfect starter for an outdoor garden for spring.
Actually, this indoor garden is what consumes me during winter. To help you get started, here are 10 vegetables you can easily grow year-round.
1. Tomatoes

I was astonished at how long my tomatoes endured indoors the first time I moved a pruned plant inside. Had I included manure, it would have lasted much longer. Tomatoes do well in containers, but they love sunlight, so make sure your tomato gets the best seat at the window.
2. Carrots

Carrots are great indoors if you'll provide them 4-5 hours of bright light daily. Choose the round varieties and ensure that seeds are well apart so the roots will have enough room to gather nutrients. When it's ready for harvest, you'll see the tops above the soil.
3. Lettuce
Lettuce is surprisingly simple to grow and does not use up much room. It's an amazing vegetable to grow indoors in a sunny window. Pick a leaf lettuce variety because this variety allows you to grow back the plant after you harvested the leaves, providing you more lettuce without the hassle of a full work.
4. Arugula

Spicy and tasty arugula grows rapidly. Every plant can provide you multiple yields when you cut the bigger leaves and keep the little ones in the middle. Arugula loves colder temperatures, which makes it an impeccable vegetable to develop indoors.
5. Ginger

Ginger is a beautiful plant similar to bamboo. The best approach is to get some at a natural food store, as these have fewer chemicals, soak and wash it in water for a couple of hours to remove any growth hinder chemicals, then put your root in a wide, airy pot and slightly cover it with soil. Keep it moist, relax, and watch it grow.
Ultimate Guide To Have An Indoor Garden For Winter | [Infographic] https://t.co/0FyUIUaM4q via @HomesteadingUSA
— Garden Season (@GardenSeason) January 10, 2017
6. Scallions

Scallions or green onions will let you have the same onion taste without the need for extra space. You can begin growing scallions from seeds or purchase a few scallions at the farmers market or grocery stores. If there still roots in it, stick them in your container with soil, covering them up to the white bulb, and then see them grow. Gather the tops occasionally.
7. Microgreens

Microgreens are perfect vegetables to develop indoors. Microgreens grow easily and quickly, they need very small space, and are completely delectable. To make microgreens flourish, simply scatter one variety of microgreen seed mixes in your well-drained, shallow container. Cover it with a fair covering of soil, and do your first harvest when the “real leaves” pop up.
8. Kale

Once an ornament and now known as a superfood, kale is an extraordinary vegetable to develop inside your home. Like arugula, you can gather the better leaves and leave the little ones for a later reap. Plant a couple of seeds in the medium-size container and cover it with 1/2″ of soil. Keep the dirt sodden and keep one plant for every pot, as kale can get really big.
9. Potatoes
Potatoes are seed tubers and are perfect for indoor gardening as they effortlessly grow in huge pots, or plastic sacks, and deliver satisfactory yields of delectable new potatoes. When planting the seed tubers, leave some space at the peak point of the pots for manure to earth up the plants as they grow. The peek of the sack can be moved down at the beginning, then rolled up, as needed.
10. Lemons
I know lemons are not vegetables, but they are perfect for so many dishes that I feel like a criminal if I will not include lemons in my list since I’ve been growing it in my homestead year-round. Dwarf lemon trees are wonderful houseplants. They can provide juicy, full-size lemons perfect with vegetable and meat dishes. You can begin with lemon seeds or purchase a dwarf lemon tree from nurseries.
Want to see how to grow vegetables indoors in a pot? Check out this video from ehowhome:
There you have it, my fellow homesteaders, the 10 most productive vegetables to grow indoors. I have all these vegetables in my homestead. Just a quick tip, these delicious vegetables all need a partial sunlight and well-drained soil. To achieve rewarding results, place an indoor grow light near your vegetables in winter to increase your garden's bounty and avoid your plants from drowning. Happy Gardening.
Will give a spot to these vegetables in your indoor garden? Let me know in the comments section below.
Want to learn how you can grow your food from scraps? Check out how to grow food from scraps here! You'll see it's a lot easier and more fun than you can imagine!
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I love the idea of growing food indoors. I began last year with limited success. These articles really help. Sure I have 10 acres but I am also older and some things grown indoors will be perfect for me …..and apartments and homes with little or no land surrounding them