Lesson 6: Blacksmithing Guide | How to Make A Corner Brace Part I
Welcome to lesson 6 in the blacksmithing guide! You just learned some safety techniques, career advice and how to make a hot chisel. You're going to be putting those skills to use now in this lesson. Armondo is going to walk you through how to make a corner brace, using your kiln and hot chisel to make a corner brace for your anvil. If you're thinking, “Why do I need to know this??”, well, keep watching because our expert blacksmith Armondo is going to break it down to you, while he makes it. You can, he was very smart in marking his metal with guides, so as he goes on making this brace, he will be accurate with his bending. We think you're really going to dig how this thing turns out in the end! Be sure to continue onto the other parts of this lesson, as well as the rest of this blacksmithing guide!
In this video:
- Take our hot chisel that we made in lesson 5 and put it to the test.
- Learn about Armondo's ball vice.
- Learn how to mark your metal.
- How to split metal .
- Learn how to split metal with metal.
- The importance of marking your points.
- And much more.