Do you feel that branded store-bought cheese tastes a little weird? You’re not alone! If you want cheese of the highest quality, opt to make your own rich, creamy, savory homemade mozzarella.
RELATED: [VIDEO] How To Make Cheese At Home | Cheese Making Course
Step-By-Step Guide on How to Make Cheesy All-Around Homemade Mozzarella
What You'll Need:
- 2 liters non-pasteurized milk
- 4 tbsp. of vinegar
- 3/4 cup water
- sheet
- multiple small and large bowls
- large pot
- instant-read thermometer
- ice cubes
- wooden spoon
How To:
- Pour 2 liters of non-pasteurized milk into the pan. Heat and stir continuously on low flame. Make sure to stir slowly.
- Check the temperature of the milk until it's too hot to the touch. Otherwise, you can use an instant-read thermometer and wait until it registers 90°F, then turn the flame off.
- Now, you can add 4 tablespoons of good quality vinegar while you still slowly continuously stirring the milk. You will notice that curds will form from your mixture.
- Add another teaspoon of vinegar to form more curd. You can add another depending on the amount of milk you have on your pot.
- Gather all the curds to form them into one big cheese.
- Take out the curd and remove all the excess juice from it.
- Do not throw the liquid mixture because you'll have to pour it in a bowl and microwave it. Once hot, put the newly formed cheese back in the mixture for 5 to 6 minutes.
- Squeeze the curd, or by this time, you can already consider this as cheese, until it forms a big ball.
- Place your homemade mozzarella cheese in a bowl with water and ice. Press the cheese in the cold water for 1 to 2 minutes.
- Remove all the excess water.
- Place your cheese on a plate or any container and wrap it with a sheet. Put the cheese in the freezer and you're done!
Tip: Make sure to stir the milk mixture counterclockwise when mixing in the vinegar.
Finished Product:
This is basically everything you need to know about making homemade mozzarella cheese. It’s a very easy process and even a beginner shouldn’t have too much trouble making their first batch. But to be safe, start out with small test batches first.
You'll notice that this recipe is very simple and easy. It's specifically meant for beginners in cheesemaking.
Also, please make sure to follow the mozzarella recipe carefully. Do not attempt to modify or customize it or you might end up with a spoiled, soft, curd-filled finished product.
How did your homemade mozzarella cheese turn out? We'd love to hear from you, share your experience with us in the comments section below! Maybe you have a recipe you want to share with us?
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mrmhf says
That’s awesome. In terms of consistency, are you able to great it if you want to use it on pizza, for example, or is it better to slice?
mrmhf says
Also, how long does it keep?
Bruce says
What if I can’t get unpasteurized milk, can I use store bought whole milk?
basket random says
That’s fantastic. I’m going to attempt to do it immediately!
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