What's going on with these bee hives? If you think the colony collapse before is bad, this recent loss of bees is so much worse. Read more about it! …Continue Reading
Raising Bees
New Perspective on Honeybee Cultivation | Bee News
Reading Time: 5 minutesFeel like you need a new perspective on honeybee cultivation? If you're as concerned as I am with this valuable farm creature, read on! …Continue Reading
Is Adulterated Honey Real? | Bee News
Reading Time: 5 minutesIs today's honey adulterated? If you think the honey you're using is healthier than sugar, think again. Here are some reasons why it's not. …Continue Reading
How Is Honey Made? The Bitter Secrets Of This Sweet Industry
Reading Time: 2 minutesHoney is often touted as being one of the more wholesome sweeteners available. It contains several vitamins and minerals (though in small amounts) and can reduce the severity of seasonal allergies. Plus, bees pollinate crops. About 30% of the world's crops and 90% of wild plants require bees to survive. But honey can have a dark side too... How Is Honey …Continue Reading
Beehive Plans For Beekeeping On The Homestead | Homesteading
Reading Time: 4 minutesBeehive plans are essential to start beekeeping on your homestead. Do your part to save the bees by finding out how to give them a home! 16 Of The Best Beehive Plans To Make For Beekeeping Build your own beehive from these beehive plan ideas, and create a safe place for bees to live, and to harvest honey. Saving the bees means saving all the crops that come with them! In …Continue Reading