Do you find yourself spending hundreds of dollars on your water bills? Then you might not be using your resources properly. Here are some tips on how to save on water bill every month! RELATED: Happy World Water Day | 25 Ways To Conserve Water 11 Smart, Effective Ways How to Save on Water Bill Every Month 1. Take Showers, Not Baths A nice, long, hot bath might be the …Continue Reading
Water Power
Terraforming In Real Life | A Homesteading Study
Reading Time: 6 minutesEver heard of terraforming? If you've seen The Martian then you'll be familiar with it. It's the ability to create an ecosystem from the given elements that can support human life. So how can you terraform? Learn more here from an expert! …Continue Reading
The Agricultural & Water Conservation Conversation
Reading Time: 3 minutesEver started the conversation about agricultural water conservation? Here are some interesting facts about how much water farms, livestock and produce are really using up. The results may surprise you. …Continue Reading
All About Gray Water | What Is Gray Water and How to Use It
Reading Time: 2 minutesEver heard of gray water? If you haven't, then I think it's probably time you know what it is and what wonders it can do for your home. …Continue Reading
Don’t Rush to Flush | How to Conserve Toilet Water
Reading Time: 5 minutesTired of wasting gallons of water a year by flushing your toilet? Looking for more practical ways to save this precious resource? The answer lies in a new invention for toilet water. Keep reading for a cost-effective way to make a difference. …Continue Reading