Want to start raising chickens for eggs? Learn the homestead tips to raising the best egg laying hens that will be happy and healthy. Learn what to look for and what to avoid here in our homestead handbook. …Continue Reading
Homestead Handbook
Raising Healthy Chickens [Chapter 5] Raising Backyard Chickens | Homestead Handbook
Reading Time: 10 minutesPart of raising backyard chickens is making sure you've got good chicken health. Healthy chickens are happier chickens. They will produce better eggs, better poultry, and their overall quality of life will be better. That's important for the homestead lifestyle, don't you think? …Continue Reading
What Do Chickens Eat? Chicken Feed. [Chapter 4] Raising Backyard Chicken | Homestead Handbook
Reading Time: 7 minutesWhat do chickens eat? Chickens eat chicken feed. Good chicken feed and the food chickens peck on is made up of seeds, grains, fruits, rodents, veggies, insects, lizards, dairy products and even meat from dead animals. They love to scratch dirt to find a meal and are true foragers. One of the reasons they make good pets in the garden is because they help clear out any unwanted …Continue Reading
Chicken Coops [Chapter 3] Raising Backyard Chickens | Homestead Handbook
Reading Time: 6 minutesLooking for the best chicken coops? We've got all the details here in our homestead handbook. Identify the finest chicken coop for you and your flock. …Continue Reading
Types of Chickens [Chapter 2] Raising Backyard Chickens
Reading Time: 9 minutesKnow your different types of chickens for choosing the right chicken breed to raise. Some chickens are louder than others or feistier than others, and some just look better. What type of chicken are you looking for? …Continue Reading