So you want to get into square foot gardening? Then it's time to start planning your square foot garden! You want to grow your own backyard garden on the homestead, and now you've finally found a way to reach these dreams! Square foot gardening makes growing a vegetable garden easy as cake carrot cake. This is part 2 of our 11 part series to get your homestead a'growing! …Continue Reading
Homestead Handbook
How to Carve Out a Wooded Homestead
Reading Time: 6 minutesSearching for the perfect, and affordable, parcel of land for a prepper retreat or wooded homestead can be a very daunting task – and filled with a copious amount of variables. How To Turn Lonely Land Into A Dream Wooded Homestead Finding land that is almost perfect happens a lot, a whole lot. Seeking walk-onto-the-property perfection comes with a massive price tag. With a …Continue Reading
The Greatest Farming Pick Up Lines
Reading Time: 2 minutesTwitter is presently aflutter with farmer pick up lines, something near and dear to our homesteading hearts. So for the romantic in all of us, here are the very best in farmer inspired courtship come ons...because we may be settlers, but when it comes to love it doesn't mean we have to settle... #FarmingPickupLines Nice calves.#FarmingPickupLines …Continue Reading
Square Foot Gardening [Chapter 1] Homestead Handbook
Reading Time: 18 minutesSquare Foot Gardening is an effective way of gardening used to maximize land and resources. Start your backyard garden and grow all the food you need to survive directly on the homestead. This is Chapter 1 of 11 for the homesteader that wants to start growing all their vegetables themselves. …Continue Reading
Urban Farming | How To Cure And Prevent Powdery Mildew
Reading Time: 2 minutesBrentwood Urban Farm: A Sustainable Homestead in the City of Los Angeles Owned and operated by green farmers: Emily Richards and John Nogawski. Learn more here. Just because you live in a city, that doesn’t mean you can’t homestead. Such is the case for this organic urban farm. Brentwood Urban Farm is located in the heart of Los Angeles with a focus on water-preservation, …Continue Reading