Want to know how to get rid of mice in your house humanely? Here's 6 ways to do it without harming them! Trust me, I've used them all. …Continue Reading
Pest Control
Monsanto Lawsuit: Does Roundup Cause Cancer?
Reading Time: 2 minutesWell, it was bound to happen eventually. Two US agricultural workers have sued Monsanto, claiming that Roundup, the chemical company's most popular herbicide, gave them cancer. Monsanto has been getting a lot of bad press lately, particularly since the World Health Organization said glyphosphate, the main ingredient in Roundup, probably causes cancer. In light of this, …Continue Reading
Weeding Made Easy: Tips & Tricks
Reading Time: 4 minutesWant to know how to get rid of weeds? If you're in need of some tips and tricks to keep weeds out of your garden, then this is for you! …Continue Reading
15 Natural Mosquito Repellent Plants | Homesteading Home Remedies
Reading Time: 5 minutesCurious about natural mosquito repellent plants? Satisfy your curiosity and find out if indeed these mosquito repellent plants are a match against these pesky blood-thirsty, disease-spreading, ear buzzers! Mosquito Repellent Plants For Mosquito-Proof Gardens Mosquito repellent plants sure got me going gaga with all these alarming news of Zika and West Nile virus among other …Continue Reading
Simple Homemade Mosquito Trap
Reading Time: < 1 minuteSummer is right around the corner and you know what that means - MOSQUITOES. Here is a simple way to rid yourself of this problem. Looking for even more natural mosquito-repelling solutions? Check out: 7 Natural Mosquito Repellent Plants | Home Remedies What you'll need for your homemade mosquito trap: 1.) 1 Soda Bottle 2.) 1 Bag of Brown Sugar 3.) 1 Jar of Yeast 4.) …Continue Reading