Ever heard of mound gardening? This unique garden style might just change your life. Let's find out... …Continue Reading
Growing Vegetables
A Real Life Secret Garden – NEWS
Reading Time: 3 minutesYou'll never guess where this man found a Secret Garden in real life. What started as a secret garden, unbeknownst by all, became a place of refuge and restoration for Bruce Ingrassia of Santa Clara, California. …Continue Reading
Why Everyone Should Own The Juice Plus Tower Garden
Reading Time: 5 minutesThis is why you should own The Juice Plus Tower Garden, and why it is the single best vertical aeroponic indoor gardening system ever. …Continue Reading
Grow a Vertical Garden [Chapter7] Homestead Handbook
Reading Time: 12 minutesGrow a Vertical Garden and save space on your homestead. Follow these backyard gardening tips to start your very own vertical garden, and enjoy all the fresh vegetables it will produce in minimal space. …Continue Reading
Urban Farming | Grow Your Own Organic Garden Green Smoothie Recipe
Reading Time: 4 minutesAn organic green smoothie recipe you can make yourself. Learn about urban farming with our video series at Brentwood Urban Farm in the Los Angeles Homestead. Urban Farming | Grow Your Own Organic Garden Green Smoothie Recipe Brentwood Urban Farm: A Sustainable Homestead in the City of Los Angeles Owned and operated by green farmers: Emily Richards and John Nogawski. Learn …Continue Reading